Acceptance in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation,recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable
situation) without attempting to change it or protest it. The concept is close
in meaning to acquiescence, derived from the Latinacquiēscere (to find rest in).
According to statistics, 1 in 3 people globally struggle withself-acceptance and self-value. This statistic is a stark reminder of the
prevalence of self-doubt and insecurity in our world today. It serves as a call
to action for us to prioritize self-love and self-care in our lives and to
create a more compassionate and understanding society. Self-acceptance is being satisfied with one's current self. It is an agreement with oneself to appreciate, validate, andsupport the self as it is, despite deficiencies and negative past behavior.
People have trouble accepting themselves because of guilt, trauma, or a perceived lack of motivation. Some people have themisconception that if one is happy with themselves, it always means that they would not change anything about who they are. Individuals do not have to be unhappy with themselves to know and can actively change things they don't like.
To accept yourself means to no longer reject yourself. Being rejected is bad for your health.
Protracted feelings of isolation, loneliness, and rejection tendto coincide with deteriorations in physical health, which can be derived from a lack of eating or exercise. It may result in worsened sleep, immune system, and lessened life span compared to those who are surrounded by others who care about them. Loneliness has been a source of chronic stress and associated with impaired cellular immunity.
Why Acceptance Is Important
Experts suggest that acceptance is the healthier option. Forexample, Tara Brach writes, “believing that something is wrong with us is a deep and tenacious suffering” (2004). Your experience of yourself consists largely of your emotions, thoughts, and actions, and so learning to accept these (even when they seem difficult or undesirable) is a helpful tool for well-being.
To be more accepting, it can be helpful to reflect on yourhabitual attitude towards yourself. Ask yourself:
- Do you ever speak harshly to yourself about a perceived mistake you made or an embarrassing thing you said?
- Are you ever feeling overwhelmed with emotion, and on top of everything, frustrated with yourself for feeling this way?
- How might you be able to take a more understanding and gentler attitude towards yourself?
Here are 10 ways that you can practice self-acceptance and promote health and wellness.
Self-acceptance is essential for your mental and emotionalwell-being. It’s important to learn to love yourself and the things that make you unique. Self-acceptance is learning to love yourself, inside and out. It’sabout letting go of the things you can’t change and appreciating what makes you unique. However, being comfortable in your own skin isn’t always easy.Here are some ways you can practice self-acceptance in your day-to-day life:
1. Embrace what makes you unique. A good place to start is to think of the things that make youspecial. Ask yourself how these differences may benefit you in the future and
how they add value to your life.
2. Let go of the things you can’t change. It’s important not to focus on the things you can’t change. Youmay find it helpful to write a letter to yourself about letting go of what you
can’t change and welcoming the things you love about yourself.
3. Identify your strengths. Write down the things you’re good at and/or love to do (e.g.sports, music, art, etc.). Practicing these activities regularly can help you feel more confident in your abilities.
4. Set goals. Set a few realistic goals for yourself and create a plan to meetthem (this may also help with your self-esteem). Don’t forget to reward yourself when you meet a goal!
5. Celebrate your accomplishments. Make a list of everything you’ve accomplished so far and add to itregularly. Post your list someplace where you can see it often. Be proud of yourself!
6. Plan ahead. If you can, try to avoid the people and/or things that challengeyour self-acceptance. Memorize a few go-to thoughts you can say to yourself if you begin to doubt or question your worth (some people call these thoughts
7. Think positively. Remember to speak kindly to yourself and turn any self-critical,negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Don’t be too hard on yourself or compare yourself to others.
8. Be kind to yourself. Consider a few things you can do to treat yourself and spendquality time on your own (e.g. taking a warm bath, going for a walk in nature, etc.). It’s also important to take care of yourself by eating right, sleeping enough and exercising regularly.
9. Get involved. Volunteer, get a part-time job or try a new extracurricularactivity to learn more about yourself, what you enjoy and what you’re good at.
10. Find support. You can always share your feelings with people you trust such asfamily and friends. (You could even try asking them to name two or three things they like about you.)
Everyone’s journey to self-acceptance is different, but you canlearn to be comfortable in your own skin.
Blog Created by: Sharon Fant, RN
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